Zonta Owen Sound

Building a better world

for women and girls

In The News …

On Monday, November 27, 2023, Zonta club members gathered at City Hall and were joined by City of Owen Sound staff and others, including city Mayor Ian Boddy and Deputy Mayor Scott Greig, to recognize International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.  Deputy Mayor Scott Greig welcomed attendees, providing opening remarks as the Zonta Flag was presented by the Zontians of Owen Sound as part of the campaign to End Violence Against Women and Girls. Deputy Mayor Greig highlighted some of the work of the club and noted the international importance of Zonta as well.  Club President Barb Fedy then spoke to the 16 Days of Advocacy for the “Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women and Girls” campaign, where Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential.

Attendees were thanked for their commitment, Zonta of Owen Sound appreciates the support and allyship to improve the lives of women and girls, and achieving equity overall.

 For full speech from Barb Fedy see Events Tab


 Our Story

Zonta International takes its name from the Lakota Sioux Indian word  meaning honest and trustworthy . Established in 1820, the organization has members throughout the world who volunteer their time, talents and energy to local and  international advocacy and service projects that are designed to advance the status of women worldwide.

In 1986, Donelda Stewart and Eleanor Pauling promoted and organized a chapter in Owen Sound.

For Details of Local Projects See What We Do


Visit Zonta International for more details and news of our activities around the world.      See Link below…

The Zonta Club of Owen Sound is taking a stand against Gender-based violence and we say NO to Violence Against Women